Monday 30 June 2014


Trekking is undoubtedly of value to physical fitness but its aim is not to produce athletes. Trekking is such an unique travel experience that brings enjoyment and creates an understanding of our beautiful valleys and scenic nature. The love of nature & the pursuit of the unknown have eternally drawn man to shed the comfort and security of this home to venture beyond the blue ranges on the horizon and to discover new valleys, forests, rivers and high mountains. The quest of mountain lover is for the freedom of hills, to be at home in the high wilderness, with no barriers he cannot pass, no danger he cannot avoid with due caution and proper knowledge. This is the essence of enjoyment sought as a trekker. It feels great when the morning sun rays, first touches you, standing at the peak of mountain, experiencing the same soothes your mind completely.
This was my first trekking experience and it was really adventurous and thrilling. I realized that it is an activity which develops real love for the mountain regions and appreciation of their grandeur. I got more closer interest in plants, trees, birds and animals, indeed in all form of nature study. It inculcated the virtue of sacrifice, the value of physical exertion, sometimes to the limit of endurance, and above all, the spirit of comradeship. A sense of adventure adds excitement towards the fulfillment of the goal. When i started initially, i never thought that i could climb this high mountain at a stretch but then i realized that Trekking does not demand great strength or immense wealth but merely a desire and willingness to accept certain rough with the smooth. Once initiated into trekking, one soon learns that in order to enjoy one must minimize his wants on the trek. Yet there is no compromise with safety. This inculcated qualities of self-reliance, keeping fit and willingness to help. My experience was so thrilling and amazing that words would be less to express my internal feelings. Memorable indeed!!!!

KODAVA FESTIVALS: Coorg people celebrate 3 main festival, 

1. Kailpodh
2. Kaveri Sankramana
3. Puthari

Kailpodh:its is celebrated in the month of September after the rice sowing is complected 

Kaveri Sankramana: Goddess kaveri is known as the mother goddess of the coorg people in the month of October coorg people celebrate this festival where they belive the goddess kaveri comes that day to bless the people of coorg.

Puthari : Its is celebrated on December and it is equal to deepavali festival ,they have one sweet Thambuttu  is made with the mashed pulp of a local variety of banana known as mara balĂ©. These bananas have a dense, creamy flesh with a subtle hint of tanginess that complements their sweetness.they will have rice  pre-harvesting in the paddy field.they have a slogan poli poli deva and burn crackers and the next day they prepare dry fish curry  and akki roti  and then they tie the harvested rice grain in the goddess room and to the vehicles.


The most commonly used souring agent in Kodava cooking called kachampuli, it made from Kokum  (Garcinia gummi-gutta ) concentrated juice , kokum is very know in Mangalorean, Goan and Maharashtrian cuisines, where in the Kodava language the fruit is know as panapuli while the boiled extract called kachampuli.  It also has a very long shelf life no need refrigerator to store, every Coorg home has a bottle of kachampuli at the ready at all times, Kachampuli is usually used in the final stages of cooking, mainly in meat and fish dishes, most famously in pandi (pork) curry.

Kupiya Challe is worn by gents 

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